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Snow at John Olivers Cabin in the Smoky Mountains National Park Photograph by Jimmy Pappas

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Comments (10)

Irina Sztukowski

Irina Sztukowski

Grand Congratulations on your Successful Art Sale!

Sandi OReilly

Sandi OReilly

Congratulations on your 3rd place win in WFS!!

Jennifer Jenson

Jennifer Jenson

Congratulations on the Best of the Best on WFS! Beautiful work!

Rick Davis

Rick Davis

This Is So Outstanding! L/F

Randy Rosenberger

Randy Rosenberger

Congratulations on being in the top winners spots of our recent contest sponsored by the Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery. Your submissions were excellent and surely qualified for top wins. When your works are voted on by your peers, it is quite an honor to be recognized by fellow artists who admire your art works. Thanks for entering this fun contest, and your winning pieces are displayed on our homepage.

Rick Hansen

Rick Hansen

Congratulations on your Third Place Win In "The Fences Contest"!!

Morris Finkelstein

Morris Finkelstein

Beautiful winter landscape photograph of a historical Tennessee homestead, Jimmy! Congratulations on your Third Place in the Fences contest! F/L/Voted

Maria Faria Rodrigues

Maria Faria Rodrigues

Congratulations, on 3rd Place Win, in FENCES, contest! v/f

Viktor Birkus

Viktor Birkus

Amazing work! l/f/voted

Stephanie Thomas

Stephanie Thomas

I love your image and voted for it. Beautiful!

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Snow at John Olivers Cabin in the Smoky Mountains National Park by Jimmy Pappas
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